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White corundum PV:4384

  • Category:White Fused Alumina


    Packaging:Bag Package/Small Bag Package

Details of stocks information
White corundum is made from industrial alumina powder, which is smelted at a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees in an arc and then cooled. It is crushed, shaped, magnetized and iron removed.It is suitable for manufacturing ceramic and resin bonded grinding tools, grinding, polishing, sandblasting, precision casting 《corundum specially used for precision casting), etc., and also can be used to manufacture refractory materials.The product granularity is produced according to international standards and national standards, and can be processed according to customer requirements.The general particle size is F4~F220, and its chemical composition varies according to the size of particle size.The outstanding features are small size of crystal and small impact resistance. If processed and broken by self-grinding machine, the particles are mostly spherical particles with dry surface and easy to combine agents.F sand has the characteristics of stable chemical composition, superior physical properties, low magnetic content, concentrated particle size distribution and suitable particle shape.It is mainly used for grinding precision and high efficiency of resin grinding tools for ceramic grinding tools.The p-sand series products of white fused alumina developed and produced by the company are made of high quality white fused alumina, which has the advantages of narrow particle size distribution, high cleanliness, uniform and moderate particle shape, good sharpness, suitable toughness and brittleness.The coated abrasives produced by them have the characteristics of long service life, high grinding efficiency, safety, economy and wide application range, etc., and have been widely used in the production of coated abrasives in foreign countries, and become a new type of abrasive for coated abrasives.
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